The purpose of this policy is to clearly define the circumstances in which participants in our programs are eligible for a refund of registration fees.
Guelph United F.C. will honor refund requests for the program for which the participant has been registered until 60 days prior to the start of the season. This policy encompasses all our programs and teams involved with Guelph United FC and League 1 Ontario.
All refund requests must be submitted in writing to the General Manager of Guelph Unitede FC, and all refunds are subject to a $125 per player administration fee.
No refunds will be provided after these deadlines, except in the following circumstances:
A player cancelling registration on medical grounds will qualify for a full refund (if injured or medical condition is prior to the season start but within the 60 days prior to the season start), in the event of an injury or medical condition after the start of the season the participant will be eligible to a pro-rated refund, based on the number of games remaining after the date of the injury, with a deduction for the player’s uniform and administration fee and any other cost accrued to the Club for that player to participate.
In both cases a doctor’s note is required.
Please note that where the injury is soccer-related while participating in a Guelph United FC Soccer programing, no refund can be provided, as this would cause insurance coverage to be negated. In special or extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the General Manager and GUFC board of directors.
The Club cannot provide any refunds for any other reason than stated above.